Jamie Schneider Digital Strategist for the North American Division. We’ve all seen shortened URLs, but do you know why social media managers often shorten long links? Here is a quick “short list” of why and how to utilize link shorteners. What: URL shortening allows you to tighten up a long trackable URL to something short and easy to copy for social media posts. In other words… THIS: https://www.adventistlearningcommunity.com/faith-reason-earth-history?&utm_campaign=FaithReasonEarth-2017&utm_source=Social-Media BECOMES: https://goo.gl/ZaBXgL Why:
Many link shortening tools also track click-throughs (how many times the link has been clicked). Below you can see that this link is performing quite well. But for more in-depth analysis you’ll want to use UTM codes and Google Analytics. The Short List of URL Shorteners There’s more, but these are our current favorites.
You may also appreciate this free redirect checker. This is useful if you're curious about a shortened link and you don't trust the source. 5/4/2023 02:39:17 am
Shortening links are great. There are so many sites that you visit to shorten your links. Comments are closed.
August 2020